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Windows Half-open limit fix 3.3 (patch)

by 에비뉴엘 2008. 12. 2.

TCP/IP 동시작업 제한해제를 간단하게 도와주는 유틸입니다.
(푸르나,emule,Torrent 등 P2P 유저들은 필수적용유틸)
권장값 100으로 해주세요.

*파일경로가 영문과 러시아경로만 가능합니다.
C:\에 압축풀어 사용하세요.

Operating system

Operating system: Windows XP SP1(x64)/SP2(x86,x64)/SP3, Server 2003 SP1(x86)/SP2(x86,x64), Server 2008(x86,x64), Vista without SP(x86,x64) and with SP1(x86,x64), 7 beta(x86,x64).


1) Extract to any folder and run Half-open limit fix
2) Choose a new limit of concurrent half-open outbound connections quantity and press "Add to tcpip.sys" (for the overwhelming majority of users there will be sufficient the limit equal 100)
3) Restart computer and enjoy

Restart of the program can be demanded after updating Windows or SP installation as sometimes Microsoft replaces old file tcpip.sys on new. If the program will cease to work with updated tcpip.sys there will be a new version on this site.

For Vista and Server 2008 users: Maybe sometime, after updating Windows or SP installation on a desktop will appear watermarks "Test mode". They can appear because in all versions of Vista and Server 2008, except Vista without SP(x86), there is the obligatory check of the drivers signature, and the tcpip.sys file sign with test signature after patching. Most likely, to make it disappear will be necessary simply once again to patch tcpip.sys.


