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LinX 0.6.4 (인텔번) 최신버전

by 에비뉴엘 2012. 4. 20.

샌디브릿지 국민오버 4.5기가 기준입니다.
삼성 DDR3 30나노 2133Mhz, 9-11-11-24 1T설정입니다.

테스트 방법
메모리 옆에 All버튼 누르고 20회 설정하고 스타트버튼 누르면 됩니다.
이 때 아무런 동작도 하지 마십시요.


59~61GFlops정도 나와야 됩니다.

LinX AVX Edition(샌디,아이비용)

링스 0.6.4에 샌디브릿지,아이비브릿지 AVX명령어를 추가한 오버클럭 테스트 프로그램입니다.
윈도우7 서비스팩1은 필수로 설치해야 합니다. 

                                                                    링스AVX는 테스트값이 126~128 GFlops 정도 나와야 정상입니다.

LinX 0.6.4

- added an option to run tests for a specified period of time. Use the drop-down list to set minutes or times to run tests

- small UI redesign/enhancements

- graph windows now correctly save their positions on program close

- fixed a somewhat rare bug leading to false LinX errors when CPU usage was high

- added new command-line options, fixed found bugs in older ones (run LinX.exe -help to view the list of command-line options)

- added seconds to filenames to prevent overwriting

LinX 0.6.3

- removed the easter egg and added an option to extend glass for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users with Aero on

- changed (raised) upper limit for 32-bit Linpack to 15500

- graph selection is now saved

- monitoring data (minimum and maximum values for each monitor) is now appended to the end of text log if graphs were enabled during testing

- fixed a possible bug when LinX would stop responding if Linpack quits due to lack of memory

- fixed a possible bug when running more than one instance of LinX simultaneously

- fixed a possible bug in graphs that would lead to an error message if Everest or Speedfan was shut down during testing

- fixed a bug with progressbar not visible on Classic theme

LinX 0.6.2

- threading and communication with Linpack improved as an attempt to fix the varying GFlops issue

- current directory is now set to LinX' .exe directory on program start to prevent getting fake "Some Linpack files missing" messages 

- screenshots of main window can now be made even with Seetings or About windows open

LinX 0.6.1

- Linpack files updated to version 10.2

- main algorithm rewritten, might improve performance a bit

- fixed an issue with inconsistent GFlops values in some cases

- hotkeys for Start and Stop buttons added: Enter and Escape keys respectively

LinX 0.6.0

- added setting to change Linpack's priority

- removed restriction to maximium number of threads (formerly equal to the logical CPUs number)

- tweaked (rebased) the libiomp5md.dll for a higher possible Problem size of 32-bit Linpack

- added setting to add date/time to saved files (logs & screenshots), on by default 

- changed progressbar to look the same on all OSes and consume less resources

- main menu changes/simplifications

- command-line keys added (experimental), for the list of available parameters launch LinX.exe /?

- some interface changes and optimizations

- easter-egg added

