토렌트 클라이언트 utorrent입니다.
토렌트는 최신버전 프로그램을 필요가 없습니다.
각종 광고와 쓸모없는 기능들로 버전업을 점점하면서 프로그램이 퇴색되어 예전 구버전 2.2.1이 명품입니다.
혹시 2.2.1 클라이언트 최신버전을 찾으시는분을 위해 2.2.1 최신빌드를 업로드 합니다. 한글판 가능합니다.
2.2.1 설치후 토렌트 쓰다가 업데이트하란 메세지가 뜹니다.
절대 업데이트 하시면 안됩니다.
uTrrent 한글판.zip
토렌트의 잘못된 소문
예전에 일부 웹하드 알바들이 웹하드를 유도하고자 토렌트에 대한 악성루머를 퍼트리곤 했었는데
토렌트는 네트웍 분산하여 전송하는 P2P 기술의 종류입니다.
토렌트 클라이언트를 설치한다고 컴퓨터가 망가지지 않습니다.
토렌트를 사용한다고 무분별하게 바이러스가 침투해 들어오진 않습니다.
토렌트를 사용한다고 해킹당하지 않습니다.
비트토렌트(영어: BitTorrent, 축약형 BT)는 P2P(peer-to-peer) 파일 전송 프로토콜의 이름이자 그것을 이용하는 응용 소프트웨어의 이름이다. 비트토렌트를 이용하면 파일을 인터넷 상에 분산하여 저장하여 놓고 다수의 접속을 사용하여 여러 곳에서 동시에 파일을 가져오게 되어 전송 속도가 빨라진다. 비트토렌트 프로토콜은 프로그래머 브램 코헨이 창안하였으며, 2001년 4월부터 설계되었고 최초의 구현이 2001년 7월 2일 발표되었다.
현재는 코헨이 창립한 회사인 비트토렌트 Inc.가 이것을 유지보수하고 있다.
본래 비트토렌트 프로그램은 분산 해시 테이블을 활용하여 파이썬으로 작성되었으며 오픈 소스 저작권하에서 배포되고 있다.
We've released a new stable version of µTorrent, with a few fixes over 2.0, including Wine support again.
Download now!
Release Notes
We've added some new features to 2.2 improve the torrenting experience!
Fixed Wine supportBetter support for atypical connections (such as VPNs) with Path MTU discoveryFixed SOCKS proxy supportDHT security improvements
-- 2011-05-04: Version 2.2.1 (build 25249)
- promo
-- 2011-04-13: Version 2.2.1 (build 25203)
- Pioneer One episode 3 promo
-- 2011-03-30: Version 2.2.1 (build 25154)
- Change: added 'captive' promo
-- 2011-03-22: Version 2.2.1 (build 25130)
- Change: show red status icon if tracker goes down on private torrents regardless
- Fix: fixed an issue with the structure of the udp tracker announce packets
-- 2011-03-16: Version 2.2.1 (build 25113)
- Change: zenith promo
-- 2011-03-09: Version 2.2.1 (build 25110)
- Change: Add a 'no' option to the 'set download location' 'overwrite' case that allows just changing the locaiton.
-- 2011-03-07: Version 2.2.1 RC3 (build 25057)
- Fix: fixed edge case in OpenContainingFolder
- Fix: fixed memory leak in torrent refresh
- Fix: fixed reporting of speed test numbers in failure case
-- 2011-03-04: Version 2.2.1 RC2 (build 25031)
- Fix: fixed sidebar counter refresh when deleting torrents
-- 2011-02-28: Version 2.2.1 RC1 (build 24908)
- Fix: fixed some cases where the sidebar wouldn't be updated
- Change: Always show tray icon is always enabled to work around disappearing systray icon
-- 2011-02-18: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24796)
- Change: enable incoming IPv6 on Windows 7 SP1 (SP1 fixes an IPv6-related hang bug introduced in Windows 7)
- add torrent crash fix
-- 2011-02-18: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24763)
- Change: CPU usage optimization for the GUI thread
- Fix: create more space for strings in UI for translations
-- 2011-02-11: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24649)
- Change: use 11 asterixes instead of 6 for hashed passwords in settings dialog (in the hope to reduce confusion)
- Fix: systray icon not showing up when starting up minimized, and systray icon is not always on
- Fix: don't delete files when 'download to' and 'move to' directories are the same
- Feature: Support apps bundled with torrent file and install when source column clicked
-- 2011-02-07: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24567)
- Fix: balloon notifications didn't display
- Fix: tray tooltip showed 0 for everything
- Fix: fixed issue causing uTP to break
- Fix: fixed bug causing .!ut extensions to break and any operation that moved files
- Fix: uTP fast-resend bug
-- 2011-02-03: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24512)
- Change: improve logging for pex flood events and average over more messages
- Feature: enable disk congestion logic when disk cache is turned off
- Fix: socks5 proxy error handling would sometimes cause a freeze and infinite loop
- Fix: don't fall back on browser to download RSS torrents when proxy is used and non proxied connections are disabled
- Fix: episode numbers are no longer limited to 2 digits in torrent list
- Fix: fix copy bug in list views (would sometimes fail to copy certain fields)
- Fix: crash when deleting a torrent file that was added via magnet link
- Change: don't update RSS feeds just by opening the edit window
- Fix: UDP tracker fix for tracker returning incorrect scrape responses
-- 2011-01-21: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24266)
- Fix: frequent crash when opening the containing folder of a torrent
- Change: Run apps in standard mode (not IE7 compatibility mode)
- Fix: Remove erroneous scam MessageBox
-- 2011-01-19: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 24217)
- Fix: fixed gui.graph_overhead
- Change: limit cache size to 2000 MB (for 32 bit builds)
- Fix: attempt at fixing disappearing systray icon
- Fix: Copy and paste in File list view fixed. (ctrl-A, ctrl-C, ctrl-V)
- Fix: don't attempt to open a file if it doesn't exist (caused association dialog to appear)
- Change: only apply the port > 1023 for outgoing connection restriction for peers only hear about through the DHT
- Fix: back-ported proper support for disabling udp trackers from 3.0
- Fix: fix bug in UDP socks5 support which would cause infinite loops
- Fix: Use system call to open containing folder instead of launching explorer.exe (when available)
- Fix: Don't connect to ports < 1024 when no-connect-to-services is enabled (which it is by default)
- Fix: privacy checkbox in general settings would have multiline text
- Change: add port 80 and 443 to the default port block list
-- 2010-12-28: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23984)
- Fix: fixed apps related (rare) crash bug
- Fix: crashbug in DHT (introduced by new rating feature)
- Fix: transparent background for play, source app and AV icons in torrent list
-- 2010-12-20: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23908)
- Fix: be less strict when banning peers for PEX flood
- Fix: timer issues
- Fix: possible crash during autoupdate
-- 2010-12-17: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23858)
- Fix: bug with empty ipfilter.dat
-- 2010-12-17: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23832)
- Fix: fixed IP filter bug where overlapping ranges would not be handled properly
- Fix: optimized CPU usage in GUI
- Fix: Find content item wasn't displaying properly on XP
- Fix: potential fix of disconnecting peers by "pex flood"
- Feature: DHT support for torrent rating (not user visible)
- Change: Only report a torrent as red because of tracker error if we don't have any peers
-- 2010-12-03: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23551)
- Fix: Ctrl+C on columns copied data incorrectly
- Fix: make the torrent add dialog look better on low-dpi screens
- Feature: Add a uTP delay measurement graph
- Fix: skinning bug for tabs.bmp
-- 2010-11-19: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23274)
- Fix: disable super verbose uTP logging
-- 2010-11-19: Version 2.2.1 beta (build 23271)
- Fix: dynamic upload slots now take overhead into account
- Fix: fixed uTP reply_micro initialization bug
- Fix: running under wine again
- Fix: store checked for updates too often
- Fix: don't auto-update apps when they are disabled
- Fix: re-binding udp sockets after closing preferences caused slowdown on Win 7
- Fix: fixed and tuned PMTU discovery for uTP
- Fix: search box flickers when it should be hidden
- Fix: fixed exploit with open containing folder
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