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Kaspersky CF2 Release Note

by 에비뉴엘 2009. 10. 23.

윈도우7을 공식지원하는 카스퍼스키2010 버전이 공개되었다.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010

Version CF2 (21.10.2009)


1. Implemented support for Microsoft Windows 7.
2. Improved methods of dealing with complex threats.
3. Improved vulnerability scan, which facilitates security threats' search and elimination in the applications installed on your 
    computer and in operating system settings.
4. Improved module of Kaspersky Lab news delivery – News agent.
5. Compatibility problems between safe environment and some applications.


1. If a threat in OLE object is detected, the application does not suggest user to perform disinfection. Possible actions in this      case – place file to quarantine or delete it.
2. Web Anti-Virus does not notify user about the downloaded files.
3. Problems with display of some files in special defragmentation software – PageDefrag are possible.
4. In some cases the "^" key on the virtual keyboard stays pressed. To solve this problem, right-click this key with a mouse.
5. Complex filtering works incorrectly in some report windows.
6. When the option of logging file system events to application report is enabled, noticeable slowdowns are possible during      installation, if Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 is being installed over the previous version.
7. During Kaspersky Anti-Virus uninstallation registry keys linked to shell extension are not removed.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010

Version CF2 (21.10.2009)


1. Implemented support for Microsoft Windows 7.
2. Improved methods of dealing with complex threats.
3. Improved vulnerability scan, which facilitates security threats' search and elimination in the applications installed on your 
    computer and in operating system settings.
4. Improved module of Kaspersky Lab news delivery – News agent.
5. Compatibility problems between safe environment and some applications.


1. Incorrect import of application rules in Application Control component is possible after updating Kaspersky Internet                 Security from version 2009 to version 2010. To fix this problem, you are advised to restore the settings using configuration     wizard.
2. If a threat in OLE object is detected, the application does not suggest user to perform disinfection. Possible actions in this     case – place file to quarantine or delete it.
3. Web Anti-Virus does not notify user about the downloaded files.
4. If the application, added to the safe environment, has a long name, it becomes inconvenient to use the scrollbar in the list     of Safe Run applications.
5. Problems with display of some files in special defragmentation software – PageDefrag are possible.
6. In some cases the "^" key on the virtual keyboard stays pressed. To solve this problem, right-click this key with a mouse.
7. Complex filtering works incorrectly in some report windows.
8. It is possible that emails received in the common Microsoft Windows environment are not displayed in the Safe Run in           the Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail) email client.
9. When the option of logging file system events to application report is enabled, noticeable slowdowns are possible during      installation, if Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 is being installed over the previous version.
10. When you change the password (for Parental Control profile) the entry field is not emptied: symbols are added to the              previously entered password.
11. During Kaspersky Internet Security uninstallation registry keys linked to shell extension are not removed.

